The Ancient Documentaries of Southside Park
a short film
This short film follows world renowned archeologist La Stef (Stephanie Sauer) and her local assistant Miss Ella (Ella Maria Diaz, Ph.D.) as they recover the sacred scrolls of the Royal Chicano Air Force (RCAF). The scrolls document Sacramento's first traditional Mesoamerican ceremonies, as reinterpreted by local elders, scholars and members of the RCAF in 1975 as an attempt to heal some bad cultural wounds. With the scrolls rumored to be buried somewhere in Sacramento, La Stef and Miss Ella set out to scour the city and its history in search of the almost forgotten documentaries.
Featuring José Montoya as José Montoya
Juanishi Orosco as Juanishi Orosco
and Samuel Quiñones as Joaquín Calavera
Filmed by Samuel Quiñones
Musical score by Esteban Villa & Bix Beiderbecke
Made possible in part by a grant from the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
Project includes a set of three box-scroll books.
paper. bone. wood.
[wooden boxes constructed by Janet Balser]
Bound by hand, 2010
Thanks to the generous support of folks who donated to our Kickstarter campaign [like Elena Minor, John E. Marquez, Rosemary Duehring, Virginia Torres, Krysta Blake, and many more], we have given away over 150 copies of the film! Copies are now available for a $10 donation at copilot press. It helps us keep the gift giving.