Almonds Are Members of the Peach Family named among the
Best Nonfiction of the Year by Entropy and Big Other! "Tell the truth about what happened to the body, this book seems to say. Tell the truth about the time in which the body got to be a body, and make it real. All of this feels like brave and vital work for a poet to be attending to. Stephanie Sauer has written an important book." -BHANU KAPIL "Almonds Are Members of the Peach Family, is an immaculate meditation in prose, masterfully and poetically aligned." -LAURIE ANN GUERRERO "There is a huge range in this fascinating book, and while a conventional memoir might tie its threads neatly together, Sauer resists convention and instead enacts in her prose the expansive thinking and experience being described." -EMILY WOLAHAN Available from Noemi Press. |
The Accidental Archives of the Royal Chicano Air Force featured in
City Lights Books' Pedagogies of Resistance Reading List! "What a magnificent project—a blend of curation, art history, archaeology, and, perhaps most important, a book tinged with the trace of ludic savvy, the ‘ludic’ being at the heart of the Royal Chicano Air Force, a playful intervention, an intervening play, both at the same time.” -WILLIAM A. NERICCIO "The artist, Stephanie Sauer, is interested in the destruction and creation of history and how archival material is preserved, who decides, and how power informs knowledge production. Her book stands on its own as a work of art, a codex of the RCAF.” -KAREN MARY DAVALOS "As a curator for the largest institutional archive for primary source documents related to American art, I had to relinquish some deeply held notions of order to keep turning the page. As a thirty-something Chicanx, I felt utterly at home in this art history." -JOSH T. FRANCO, Smithsonian Institution Available at University of Texas Press |